At mbk denture clinic, our check ups consist of:
Tissue & Bone assessment
Changes in tissue and bone can occur for a number of reasons. Ill-fitting dentures may cause further bone and tissue changes. Your denturist can assess and recommend solutions for you to consider.
medical & dental history
Updating your medical and dental history is a significant segment of your patient files. Changes in your medical or dental health may affect the fit and function of your dentures.
Oral cavity examination
Annual examinations of your oral cavity, head and neck can assist in detecting oral abnormalities.
Fit & Feel of your dentures
structural integrity
Your denturist can assess your dentures for cracks, chips, and broken or loose teeth. The denturist will advise you regarding a course of action to remedy the situation
At mbk denture clinic, our check ups consist of:
Tissue & Bone assessment
Changes in tissue and bone can occur for a number of reasons. Ill-fitting dentures may cause further bone and tissue changes. Your denturist can assess and recommend solutions for you to consider.
medical & dental history
Updating your medical and dental history is a significant segment of your patient files. Changes in your medical or dental health may affect the fit and function of your dentures.
Oral cavity examination
Annual examinations of your oral cavity, head and neck can assist in detecting oral abnormalities.
Fit & Feel of your dentures
structural integrity
Your denturist can assess your dentures for cracks, chips, and broken or loose teeth. The denturist will advise you regarding a course of action to remedy the situation

Is MBK Denture Clinic registered with the CDCP?Yes, we are clinics registered within the program! Please contact us with any questions you may have about your personal situation or the program!
What is the Canadian Dental Care Plan?The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) will help ease financial barriers to accessing oral health care for eligible Canadian residents. Applications will open in phases starting with seniors - you can see when you can apply on the Canadian Government's website.
Do you qualify?To qualify for the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), you must meet all the eligibility criteria set out by the Government of Canada (ex. must have no access to private dental insurance and a household income of less than $90,000 per year). If you have dental coverage through a provincial, territorial or federal government social program, you can still qualify for the CDCP. If you meet the eligibility criteria, your coverage will be coordinated between the plans to ensure there are no duplication or gaps in coverage. You can find out more on the Canadian Government's website.
When can I apply?Applications will begin in phases. Seniors aged 87 and above - December 2023 Seniors aged 77 to 86 - January 2024 Seniors aged 72 to 76 - February 2024 Seniors aged 70 to 71 - March 2024 Seniors aged 65 to 69 - May 2024 Adults with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate - June 2024 Children under the age of 18 - June 2024 All remaining eligible Canadian residents - Starting 2025 You can find more information on the Canadian Government Website
Are dentures included in the coverage?Yes, select dentures are included in the coverage. prosthodontic services, including: complete dentures, and partial removable dentures