At mbk denture clinic, our check ups consist of:
Tissue & Bone assessment
Changes in tissue and bone can occur for a number of reasons. Ill-fitting dentures may cause further bone and tissue changes. Your denturist can assess and recommend solutions for you to consider.
medical & dental history
Updating your medical and dental history is a significant segment of your patient files. Changes in your medical or dental health may affect the fit and function of your dentures.
Oral cavity examination
Annual examinations of your oral cavity, head and neck can assist in detecting oral abnormalities.
Fit & Feel of your dentures
structural integrity
Your denturist can assess your dentures for cracks, chips, and broken or loose teeth. The denturist will advise you regarding a course of action to remedy the situation
At mbk denture clinic, our check ups consist of:
Tissue & Bone assessment
Changes in tissue and bone can occur for a number of reasons. Ill-fitting dentures may cause further bone and tissue changes. Your denturist can assess and recommend solutions for you to consider.
medical & dental history
Updating your medical and dental history is a significant segment of your patient files. Changes in your medical or dental health may affect the fit and function of your dentures.
Oral cavity examination
Annual examinations of your oral cavity, head and neck can assist in detecting oral abnormalities.
Fit & Feel of your dentures
structural integrity
Your denturist can assess your dentures for cracks, chips, and broken or loose teeth. The denturist will advise you regarding a course of action to remedy the situation
If your denturist has meticulously adjusted your dentures fit and you are still unable to find comfort with your denture, you may want to consider a soft liner.
Soft liners are appropriate for:
Flat or nearly at gum tissues
Gums with thin tissues over bony areas
Chronically sore gum tissues
There have been over 20 years of advances and developments in quality soft liners. They provide Increased comfort during chewing and daily wear. Clinical evidence indicates a high acceptance by patients. Based on patient home care cleaning, soft liners have an average lifespan of two to four years depending on your physiology.
Soft liners require home care and proper cleaners to maintain their vitality. As with all removable dentures, soft liners require a regular check up to ensure fit and oral health. Your Denturist will provide professional cleaning as well as, education in the maintenance of your soft liner.